Australian High Commission

Australian Visa Scams

Protect yourself from ETA scams

We are aware of third-party websites purporting to be associated with the Department of Home Affairs (the Department), charging exorbitant fees to lodge ETAs on behalf of visa applicants.

All ETA-eligible passport holders must apply for an ETA using the Australian ETA app. For more information, see our Step by step guide.

There is no Visa Application Charge (VAC) for an ETA, however there is an application service fee of AUD20 to use the Australian ETA app.

Be aware that you are being scammed if:

  • you apply for your ETA via a website – ETAs can only be applied for using the ETA app
  • you pay more than AUD20 to lodge the application
  • you are told to pay extra fees for premium service or extra charges for ‘expedited’ visa processing
  • the information you are relying on hasn’t come from an official website ending in

Some of the known websites which are not official Departmental approved platforms to make an ETA application are:

If you choose to use one of these third-party websites, you risk:

  • losing any upfront cash that you have paid to the agent
  • having your ETA refused
  • not being permitted on the flight to Australia
  • being refused entry to Australia at the Australian border by the Australian Border Force

In order to protect yourself from visa scams, you should only deal with reputable travel agents, or official Australian Government channels via the Department of Home Affairs website:

If you are aware of, or suspect a scam in relation to ETAs, or other visas to Australia, please report it to Australia’s Border Watch by visiting

Warning: Fake website

We are aware of a fake Department of Home Affairs website. Please ensure you use the official website ( to find information about visas and citizenship products, and lodge applications.

It is your responsibility to maintain the safety of your personal information online. You can report instances of alleged fraud on our website at:

Warning regarding Australian visa scams operating in Malaysia

The Australian Government manages a range of visitor and migration programs, including for international tourists, business visitors and family migration. Australia and Malaysia enjoy close people-to-people linkages, which are facilitated through these programs.

The Department of Home Affairs (the Department) warns people to be cautious regarding claims that Australian visas are allegedly for sale.  These claims are not true.  Australian visas are not for sale. Visas can only be obtained through official channels. 

We are also aware of facilitators in Malaysia organising visas and flights to Australia for people to undertake paid work (such as fruit picking). This is a scam attempting to intentionally mislead people, often for money or other personal gain.  Don't be fooled by these scams.  If you work in Australia in breach of your visa conditions, you may be detained and removed, and subject to a three year exclusion period.  It is your responsibility to know what your visa allows you to do while in Australia.

More information on the proper process to obtain Australian visas in Malaysia are set out on the Department's website.

More information on migration fraud, and how to protect yourself from it, is available  here.

Protect yourself from Work Scams

An Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) is not a work visa. You are not allowed to work in Australia on an ETA. If someone says you can work on an ETA, they are lying to you.

Don’t risk it. You can be refused entry to Australia by the Australian Border Force if you are suspected of coming to Australia to work illegally.

All ETA-eligible passport holders must apply for an ETA using the Australian ETA app. For more information, see our Step by step guide.

Important information: There is no Visa Application Charge (VAC) however there is an application service fee of AUD20 to use the Australian ETA app.

Be aware that you are being scammed if:

  • the advertisement lists only a first name and number
  • you are told to pay extra fees for premium service or extra charges for ‘expedited’ visa processing
  • the employer or agent demands that you pay them a large upfront amount of cash for an ETA
  • you are told you can get an ETA for work
  • you are told to set up a company and to apply for an Australian Business Number (ABN) in order to work
  • the agent organises fake documents and photographs
  • the agent will only provide you with a handwritten contract or handwritten agreement
  • you are promised permanent residence in Australia 
  • the employer or agent uses the Australian coat of arms on their website to deceive people into thinking that what they are offering is approved by the Australian Government
  • you are told you will be paid in cash only
  • you are told you won’t be required to get an Australian Government Tax File Number (TFN)
  • the employer or agent in Australia does not have an ABN
  • you are offered a rate of pay below the minimum Australian wage, which all foreign workers are entitled to (The national minimum wage | Fair Work Commission (

If you choose to engage in visa fraud, you risk:

  • losing any upfront cash that you have paid to the agent
  • having your ETA refused
  • not being permitted on the flight to Australia
  • being refused entry to Australia at the Australian border by the Australian Border Force
  • being stranded at an Australian airport or city
  • being exposed to forced or slave labour
  • not being paid at all by the employer or agent
  • being located and detained by the Australian Border Force and removed from Australia
  • going home with far less Ringgit than when you arrived.

In order to protect yourself from visa scams, you should only deal with reputable travel agents, or official Australian Government channels via the Department of Home Affairs website:

If you are aware of, or suspect a scam in relation to ETAs, or other visas to Australia and working in Australia, please report it to Australia’s Border Watch by visiting or inform the Australian High Commission, Kuala Lumpur, by sending an email to [email protected].

Lindungi diri anda dari penipuan kerja ETA

Semua pemegang pasport yang layak menggunakan ETA mesti memohon ETA menggunakan aplikasi ETA Australia. Untuk maklumat lanjut, lihat panduan care memohon di sini.

Notis penting: Tiada Caj Permohonan Visa (VAC) namun terdapat bayaran perkhidmatan permohonan sebanyak AUD20 untuk menggunakan aplikasi ETA Australia.

Autoriti Perjalanan Elektronik (ETA) bukan visa untuk bekerja. Anda tidak dibenarkan untuk bekerja di Australia menggunakan ETA. Jika ada sesiapa yang mengatakan anda boleh bekerja dengan ETA, mereka menipu anda. Pihak Jabatan Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri Australia (the Department of Home Affairs) menyedari bahawa ada individu dan ejen yang sentiasa cuba untuk menguruskan ETA dan penerbangan ke Australia bagi mereka yang ingin bekerja secara haram.

Jangan mengundang padah. Anda boleh dihalang daripada memasuki Australia oleh Pasukan Sempadan Australia (Australian Border Force) jika anda disyaki datang untuk bekerja secara haram di Australia.

Setiap hari Pasukan Sempadan Australia (Australian Border Force) mengenal pasti dan menolak kemasukan orang yang cuba memasuki Australia untuk bekerja secara haram.

Sedar bahawa anda sedang ditipu jika:

  • iklan berkenaan hanya menyenaraikan satu nama dan nombor sahaja
  • anda diberitahu untuk membayar yuran tambahan untuk perkhidmatan premium atau caj tambahan untuk 'mempercepatkan' pemprosesan visa
  • majikan atau ejen memaksa anda untuk membayar mereka sejumlah besar wang tunai sebagai pendahuluan bagi mendapatkan ETA
  • anda disuruh mendapatkan ETA untuk bekerja
  • anda disuruh untuk menubuhkan sebuah syarikat dan memohon untuk mendapatkan Nombor Perniagaan Australia (Australian Business Number) (ABN) untuk bekerja
  • ejen menguruskan dokumen dan gambar palsu
  • ejen hanya memberikan anda kontrak atau perjanjian dalam bentuk tulisan tangan
  • anda dijanjikan taraf pemastautin tetap di Australia
  • majikan atau ejen menggunakan Jata Negara Australia pada laman web mereka untuk mengelirukan orang ramai agar mereka percaya bahawa apa yang mereka tawarkan adalah diluluskan oleh pihak Kerajaan Australia
  • anda diberitahu anda akan dibayar dengan wang tunai sahaja
  • anda diberitahu anda tidak perlu mendapatkan  Nombor Fail Cukai Kerajaan Australia (Australian Government Tax File Number (TFN)
  • majikan atau ejen di Australia tidak mempunyai ABN
  • anda ditawarkan kadar gaji di bawah had gaji minimum Australia, yang berhak diterima oleh semua pekerja asing (sila lihat

Jika anda memilih untuk melibatkan diri dalam pemalsuan visa, anda berisiko untuk:

  • kehilangan wang tunai pendahuluan yang telah dibayar kepada ejen
  • ETA anda ditolak
  • tidak dibenarkan untuk menaiki penerbangan ke Australia
  • dihalang daripada memasuki sempadan Australia oleh Pasukan Sempadan Australia (Australian Border Force)
  • terkandas di mana-manalapangan terbang atau bandar Australia
  • terdedah kepada buruh paksa atau perhambaan
  • tidak dibayar sama sekali oleh majikan atau ejen
  • dijejaki dan ditahan oleh Pasukan Sempadan Australia (Australian Border Force) dan dihalau dari Australia
  • pulang ke tanah air dengan jumlah wang ringgit yang jauh lebih sedikit berbanding sewaktu anda tiba.

Untuk melindungi diri anda daripada kes penipuan visa, anda haruslah  berurusan hanya dengan ejen pelancongan yang diperakui atau melalui saluran rasmi Kerajaan Australia iaitu di

Jika anda tahu atau mengesyaki terdapat kes penipuan berhubung dengan ETA dan bekerja di Australia, sila laporkan kepada pihak Pengawasan Sempadan (Border Watch) Australia dengan melayari atau memaklumkan kepada Pejabat Suruhanjaya Tinggi Australia, Kuala Lumpur dengan menghantar e-mel ke [email protected].